Rhythm and Booms Offers Fireworks, Plenty of Excitement

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The skies of Madison, WI lit up this past Saturday accompanied by music from the film Avatar, Michael Jackson and more, all in the spirit of “screw you Britain.” Independence Day fireworks displays are a dime a dozen, but Madison’s own Rhythm and Booms celebration is truly one of a kind. Over 15,000 fireworks are… Read More

Shifty Squirrels Finagle Their Way Into Tickledom

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Although they frequently face backyard discrimination, as homeowners generously provide a buffet of food and elaborate bird houses for finches, robins, cardinals and their other feathered friends, squirrels deserve better. More often than not, though, they get chased away when just looking for a bite to eat, have projectiles thrown at them just for fun,… Read More

Tickle City Evolution ā€“ Polar Bears

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It’s commonly believed that natural selection is what dictates success in the animal kingdom: animals that can escape predators survive and pass on their genes. The problem is that for some animals with no natural predators, it is not an ability to survive that dictates reproductive success. Among Polar Bears, a female will select a… Read More

Where in the World is Gary Kahn? A Baseball Blog and More

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Back in November of last year, the Tickle City Award Committee recognized Nick Merklin for his experience playing football in Serbia. Well, more DIII athletes are making a name for themselves overseas, and one in particular deserves recognition. Gary Kahn (right), a former standout pitcher for the Grinnell College Pioneers, has headed to foreign lands… Read More

Ticklish Argentinian Garment

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This week study abroad student Scott Koenning has probed the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina to unearth this ticklish garment, which he sent in to the Tickle City Award Committee. The caption reads “Que Cosquillas!!” – a pretty close Spanish equivalent to this website’s catch phrase. This simple shirt demonstrates that the concept of tickle… Read More

Tickle Voltages Jolt Excitement into Recent Mass Spectrometry Conference

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In a recent story featuring Scott Koenning, we learned that ticklishness is an international concept, after witnessing a ticklish garment he found in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Now we are now about to learn that ticklishness is also an interdisciplinary idea, and has even penetrated the intimidating world of hard science. Maya Lipert, a Chemistry major… Read More

Chettle, England: Ticklish Feudal Society

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Several readers have written in to criticize the lack of coverage the feudal system has been getting as of late. “Iā€™m sorry but to me the concept of ticklish encompasses three things: lords, vassals and fiefs,” commented one anonymous contributor. “In this day and age we all want to have land,” he continued, “and I… Read More

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