Documentary Film Tackles Belief in the Paranormal

Categories: TV/Film      4 Comments

What would you do if the pizza delivery guy told you that the total on your bill had an occult significance, and then went on to explain to you that UFOs and alien abductions are real? Would you make fun of him? Aggressively denounce his silly beliefs? Or take him on an epic journey across… Read More

Weather Channel Scores Big Hit with Blizzard Reality Show

Categories: TV/Film      7 Comments

Last week, The Weather Channel unveiled a thrilling new prime-time show. It followed the journey of a devastating winter storm that slammed the U.S from New Mexico to the East coast, resulting in hazardous road conditions, fallen power lines and frigid wind chills of 30 below. The reality show, which featured unscripted drama and a… Read More

Conquistadora the Explorer Video Offers Dark Humor, History Lesson

Categories: Blogs/Websites,TV/Film      5 Comments

A women’s studies professor at the University of Arizona wrote an article arguing that Dora the Explorer “creates a monolithic Latino/a identity that appeals to the dominant culture,” that “her cinnamon complexion and straight hair reflect European ancestry” and that she “enjoys an unusual geographic mobility” (article source). The staff at must actively read… Read More

Jersey Shore Halloween Costumes Consistent with Ancient Traditions

Categories: TV/Film      4 Comments

With Halloween 2010 only days away, excitement is reaching a fever pitch over the hippest costumes. With the emergence of many pop and reality stars over the last year, there are some ridiculous new possibilities. The most popular, however, is Jersey Shore, and an army of Snookis and Situations is about to hit the streets… Read More

Youtube Videos as an Unavoidable Obligation: A Study

Categories: Technology,TV/Film      5 Comments

Ever since the site that revolutionized tube video-sharing exploded onto the scene in 2005, both supporters and opponents have never been shy about voicing their opinions. The most significant issues to date include Youtube’s ambiguous policies over removing objectionable content and their seemingly lax regulations to deter users from posting copyrighted material. Today, however, a… Read More

Swagger Wagon – Can Rap Music Make Minivans Hip?

Categories: Business,Music,TV/Film      5 Comments

The minivan usually conjures up thoughts of traditional suburban moms driving their kids to soccer practice. That dull image has recently been given a jolt of hip hop excitement. Toyota has been running a very unique marketing campaign in which they present their latest minivan, the Sienna SE, as “The Swagger Wagon” and feature a… Read More

Shark Week 2010 Lures Us Into its Waters

Categories: TV/Film      1 Comment

For one week every summer since 1987, we are treated to a special series of TV programs dedicated to our favorite underwater predator. Throw in a celebrity to host the event and it attracts a fanatical cult following. The Discovery Channel’s Shark Week has viewers so captivated, they would likely jump through their screens and… Read More

Does Pop Culture Make Us Smarter? (Part 1)

Categories: Books,TV/Film      4 Comments

Author Steven Johnson certainly has a fun take on pop culture: he argues that it’s making us smarter! But before you burn your Hemingway, buy the complete first season of the CW hit series The Vampire Diaries and expect your IQ to skyrocket, you should understand where he’s coming from. His book Everything Bad is… Read More

Old Spice Commercials Clever on Several Levels

Categories: Business,TV/Film      4 Comments

A couple months ago Old Spice came up with an exciting new advertising strategy focused on presenting “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like,” and related commercials all featuring a shirtless Isaiah Mustafa, the former NFL wide receiver turned actor. The flagship ad features a monologue by the muscular Mustafa, who tells women in the… Read More

Kevin James Aims High With Upcoming Movies

Categories: TV/Film      2 Comments

Kevin James is really cementing his status as a premier actor with some of his recent projects. In addition to the popular comedy Grown Ups featuring Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Rock and Rob Schneider, his 2009 film Paul Blart: Mall Cop in which he plays an overweight mall cop who must fight gang members… Read More

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