Art Project Hopes to Take Despair Out of Receiving a Parking Ticket

Categories: Art,Blogs/Websites      3 Comments

Returning to your car and seeing a parking ticket is typically a very upsetting experience. You might curse your rushed decision not to carefully read the meter. Or bemoan the impact the fine will have on your spending plans. Some might even plan a court protest against the mean-spirited officer who ruined their day. But… Read More

Google Puzzle Revolutionizes Trivia As We Know It

Categories: Blogs/Websites,Technology      3 Comments

Picture yourself in the middle of a game of trivia, facing a question that doesn’t ring a bell. You rack your brain for some sort of clue, anything, but remain stumped. What do some of these words even mean? But instead of admitting defeat, you quickly devise a plan. With your smartphone hidden in the… Read More

National Geographic Article Digs Into Truth of Real Life Kung Fu

Categories: Blogs/Websites      2 Comments

It’s common practice for Hollywood to base movies off of real life cultures and embellish them a bit to increase excitement. After all, it’s big business. But as a result, films often provide inaccurate and stereotypical portrayals, as is the case with the ancient martial art kung fu. This will likely come as a shock… Read More

Community Designed Toys Put Power In the Hands of Artists

Categories: Art,Blogs/Websites      5 Comments

The Aarting Collection is a project with a big ambition: to democratize the tools of art production, distribution and consumption. And how exactly will they accomplish this? With a cute little toy named “Blankie,” of course! The project, founded by the soon-to-be husband and wife team of artist Todd Wahnish and producer Melissa Carroll, makes… Read More

Unique Blog Offers Dr. Seuss-Style Rhymes, Sociology Inspired Studies

Categories: Blogs/Websites      5 Comments

Rachel Hoyt is a sociologist whose blog serves a very interesting niche. Inspired by fond childhood memories of the writings of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein, she has put together a version aimed at adults, filled with clever rhyming poetry and funny news. Rhyme Me a Smile came about after Hoyt, who was juggling a… Read More

Online Community Lenguajero Makes It Fun to Practice Your Spanish

Categories: Blogs/Websites      8 Comments

Learning Spanish opens up a brand new world and can carry numerous benefits, both personal and professional. But how would you rather learn it? Incessantly poring over grammar points in a textbook? Memorizing long lists of vocabulary words? Or getting to meet other learners and native speakers in a Facebook-like online community designed just for… Read More

Creative Artist Doodles, Blogs and Even Eyes Career

Categories: Art,Blogs/Websites      14 Comments

Many people start blogs to chronicle their day-to-day life, practice writing skills or simply rant about celebrities or politicians who grind their gears. For some, however, the benefits of blogging can be more significant. For TJ Lubrano, from the Netherlands, blogging has provided the confidence to pursue a career doing what she loves. What’s that,… Read More

Conquistadora the Explorer Video Offers Dark Humor, History Lesson

Categories: Blogs/Websites,TV/Film      5 Comments

A women’s studies professor at the University of Arizona wrote an article arguing that Dora the Explorer “creates a monolithic Latino/a identity that appeals to the dominant culture,” that “her cinnamon complexion and straight hair reflect European ancestry” and that she “enjoys an unusual geographic mobility” (article source). The staff at must actively read… Read More

Groupon: A Lesson in Creative, Effective Copywriting

Categories: Blogs/Websites,Cuisine      3 Comments

Groupon, the deal-of-the day website called the fastest growing company ever by Forbes and valued at over $1 billion (Mashable), is likely on your radar today thanks to an extensive marketing campaign. But in all the madness over the savings and deals, one detail tends to be left out: Groupon invests a LOT of resources… Read More

Freakonomics Author Gets Stiffed at A&W Restaurant

Categories: Blogs/Websites,Cuisine      1 Comment

Steven Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics, is quite famous for his unique and compelling research on crime, but today he is using his economic mind to ponder disappointing service at a local A&W restaurant. Writing on the NYTimes Freakonomics blog, Levitt recounts a tale of trying to order a frosty mug of root beer, the chain’s… Read More

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